Acer campestre

Scientific name: Acer campestre L.
Common name: Field Maple

Habit: Tree, to 25 m high; dense and low branching, often with multiple trunks, crown round.
Leaves: Opposite, simple, 3-5 obtuse to palmately rounded lobes; leaf margin entire or with few rounded teeth or sub-lobes; dark green above, paler green and downy below.
Flowers: Yellowish green, in erect panicles; appearing with the leaves in early spring.
Fruits: Of two parts, with 2 horizontal wings, each with 1 seed; initially green / reddish, later light brown.
Twigs: Light brown, slender, buds opposite.
Bark: Grey-brown with shallow fissures and ridges.

Habitat: Occasionally planted in hedgerows.
Distribution: Rarely naturalised in Ireland.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: Yes