Baldellia ranunculoides

Scientific name: Baldellia ranunculoides (L.) Parl.
Common name: Lesser Water-plantain

Habit: Rosette plant with erect or sometimes decumbent stems or plants with trailing stems producing tufts of leaves from which arise umbels of flowers.
Leaves: Rosettes of leaves; leaves linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, tapered to the base and apex, stalked, projecting above the water; linear submerged leaves sometimes present, up to 10 x 1.5cm.
Flowers: In a terminal umbel, 10-15mm across; petals white or pale pink/lilac, 7-10mm; stamens 6.
Fruits: Achenes, 2-3.5mm, sometimes pubescent, obovoid.

Habitat: Shallow water on the margins of freshwater-bodies (especially lakes).
Distribution: Frequent.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No