Chrysanthemum segetum

Scientific name: Chrysanthemum segetum L.
Common name: Corn Marigold

Habit: Annual, to 60 cm high.
Stems: Hairless, erect and up to 50cm high.
Leaves: Alternate, often with a whitish bloom and oblong-lanceolate; lower pinnatifid and stalked, the upper stalkless and nearly undivided.
Flowers: Yellow, flower-heads solitary, 50mm across; involucral bracts with a broad, pale brown and membranous margin; florets all yellow; the outer ligulate and radiating.
Fruits: An achenes, ribbed and those of the radiating florets with 2 broad wings, pappus absent.

Habitat: Cultivated fields, waste ground.
Distribution: Rather rare.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No