Drosera intermedia

Scientific name: Drosera intermedia Hayne
Common name: Oblong-leaved Sundew

Habit: A small perennial, up to 5 cm, insectivorous.
Stems: Flower stalks erect, but curved at the base, arising from the axil of one of the lower leaves of the leaf-rosette; about the same length as the leaves.
Leaves: In a rosette forming a dense mat of interconnected rosettes; up to 5 cm long, nearly erect or spreading, leaf-stalk hairless at least in the lower part, leaf-blade oval-oblong, 2-3 times as long as broad; red colour, sticky with gland-tipped hairs by which the insects are trapped and digested.
Flowers: White, actinomorphic, 8-12 mm across, usually only open when weather is sunny, in a raceme of 5-8 flower; sepals 5 united at base; petals 5, free; stamens 5; ovary superior, styles 3.
Fruits: A capsule, seeds less than 1 mm long, with tight fitting coats.

Habitat: Wet bogs, bog-pools and lake-shores.
Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No