Hyacinthoides hispanica

Scientific name: Hyacinthoides hispanica (Mill.) Rothm.
Common name: Spanish Bluebell

Habit: Stems to 40cm high.
Leaves: Rather fleshy, broad leaves, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, up to 40mm wide; as long as or slightly shorter than scape.
Flowers: Numerous, erect flowers, larger and darker in colour than H. non-scripta. In a raceme, which is not one-sided and with the perianth segments weakly curved back at the tip. Racemes 4- to 16-flowered, more or less lax, erect; perianth bell-shaped, the segments semi-patent, blue, not recurved at apex; stamens all equal, inserted at middle of perianth; anthers blue.

Habitat: Grown in gardens and naturalised in a number of localities.

Native status: Not Native
Of conservation interest: No