Leontodon autumnalis

Scientific name: Leontodon autumnalis L.
Common name: Autumn Hawkbit

Habit: Perennial, to 35 cm high.
Stems: Stems usually branched and hairless; flowering-stems few and with 2-7 flower-heads bearing a few scale-leaves.
Leaves: All basal, hairless or sparsely hairy with unbranched hairs, linear-oblong and varying from untoothed to deeply pinnatifid.
Flowers: Yellow, flower-heads 20-30 mm across and 2-7 flower heads per stem; involucre a single row of long, equal bracts and several small, outer ones; receptacle without scales; florets all ligulate.
Fruits: An achene, without a beak, pappus of all florets of dirty white, feathery branched hairs.

Habitat: Damp grassland, lake shores.
Distribution: Abundant to occasional.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No