Montia fontana

Scientific name: Montia fontana L.
Common name: Blinks

Habit: A small hairless annual or perennial, to 20 cm high.
Stems: Varying with habitat; erect, tufted, trailing or floating.
Leaves: Fleshy, with short wide stalks, untoothed, opposite, oval.
Flowers: Opposite, actinomorphic, minute, solitary or in small cymes; sepals 2, free or united at the base, persistent; petals 5, white, free or fused at the base, smaller than the sepals; stamens 3-5; ovary superior, 1-celled.
Fruits: A capsule, containing 3 seeds; seeds black to dark brown.

Habitat: Marshes, streamsides, mountain flushes and other wet habitats.Distribution: Frequent to rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No