Pulicaria dysenterica

Scientific name: Pulicaria dysenterica (L.) Bernh.
Common name: Yellow Fleabane

Habit: An erect perennial, 25-60 cm high.
Stems: Branched, leafy and covered in soft downy hairs.
Leaves: Oblong, wavy, somewhat toothed and clasping the stem.
Flowers: Yellow, flower-heads 25mm across and in small corymbs; involucral bracts numerous, overlapping and in several rows; radiating florets ligulate and slender, with styles; inner florets tubular.
Fruits: An hairy achene, pappus of unbranched hairs, surrounded at the base by a minute collar of fused scales.

Habitat: Marshes, wet grassland, fen margins, limestone pavement in Aran Islands.
Distribution: Widespread but not very common.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No