Sedum anglicum

Scientific name: Sedum anglicum Huds.
Common name: English Stonecrop

Habit: A hairless, small perennial, to 10 cm high.
Stems: Leafy stems semi-erect or trailing, rooting; flowering stems erect.
Leaves: Alternate, 3-4 mm, fleshy, oval, often tinged with red, with a small spur at the base.
Flowers: White above and pink beneath, actinomorphic, 12 mm across, in small terminal cymes with 2-3 main branches; sepals 5, united at the base, pink; petals 5, free, white-pink; stamens 10; carpels 5, pink.
Fruits: A collection of small follicles, erect.

Habitat: Rocks, walls and among heathy vegetation on shallow soils.
Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No