Acer pseudoplatanus

Scientific name: Acer pseudoplatanus L.
Common name: Sycamore

Habit: Tree, to 35 m high; branches spreading, crown round.
Leaves: Opposite, simple, 8-15 cm, as broad as long, with 5 acute coarsely toothed lobes.
Flowers: Yellowish green, in pendent panicles; appearing with or after the leaves.
Fruits: Of two parts, with 2 wings diverging at a right angle, each with 1 seed.
Twigs: Brown twigs, winterbuds green.
Bark: Smooth and grey first, scaling when old.

Habitat: Woods, hedges and riverbanks; occasional on waste ground and limestone pavement.
Distribution: Frequent except in blanket-bog areas; also widely planted as shelter-belts on seaside.

Native status: Not native
Threats: Grazing in limestone pavement
Of conservation interest: No