Aethusa cynapium

Scientific name: Aethusa cynapium L.
Common name: Fool's Parsley

Habit: A hairless annual, to 80 cm high.
Stems: Hollow, pale-blueish, branched and leafy.
Leaves: Leaves triangular, 2-3-pinnate; leaflets oval-lanceolate, deeply pinnatifid.
Flowers: White, hermaphrodite, in long-stalked umbels, with 6-20 unequal rays; bracts usually absent, bracteoles usually 3-5, on outer part of each partial umbel and pointing downwards; petals 5, free; stamens 5; ovary inferior and 2-celled.
Fruits: A schizocarp; 3 mm, ovoid, sharply ridged.

Habitat: Woods, gardens, roadsides and waste ground.
Distribution: Occasional.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No