Alchemilla xanthochlora

Scientific name: Alchemilla xanthochlora Rothm.

Habit: Perennial, hairless on the upperside of leaves and the flowers, all the other parts hairy.
Stems: Erect.
Leaves: Mostly basal, stalked, with leafy stipules; up to 12 cm across, palmately divided into 7-9 lobes, lobes rounded, each lobe with 13-19 teeth.
Flowers: Yellow-greenish, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, numerous in terminal cymes on a hairless pedicel; calyx of 4 sepals and bracts; petals absent; stamens 4, attached to the top of the ovary or rim of calyx-tube; with hypanthium; carpel 1, deeply in the calyx tube.
Fruits: An achene, enclosed in the dry hypanthium.

Habitat: Grassland and scrub.Distribution: Very frequent in parts of the Burren, rare elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No