Allium ampeloprasum

Scientific name: Allium ampeloprasum L.
Common name: Wild leek

Habit: Rootstock bulbous, stem stout, up to 150cm. Bulbs 2-6cm in diameter, broadly ovoid or subglobose; with a strong smell of garlic.
Leaves: Leaves basal, 4-10 leaves present, linear, flat, canaliculate, with roughened margin, sheathing the lower 1/3-1/2 of the stem, 1-3cm wide.
Flowers: In a rather shaggy, globular umbel, subtended by 1-2 papery bracts; pedicels 15-50mm, unequal; perianth cup-shaped or bell-shaped, segments free; flowers white, pink or dark red, mixed in with numerous, small, stalkless bulbs; stamens slightly or distinctly exserted.
Fruits: Capsule 4mm.

Habitat: Rocky and sandy ground and waste places on the West coast.
Distribution: Rare and very local.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No