Anacamptis pyramidalis

Scientific name: Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) L.C.M. Richard
Common name: Pyramidal Orchid

Habit: Stem 25-45(-50)cm high, slender, hairless.
Leaves: Mostly basal or nearly so, the upper leaves almost bract-like, the lowest linear-lanceolate, the longest c. 8-15cm long.
Flowers: Inflorescence dense, initially conical, then becoming a dense, short pyramidal spike; flowers bright rose-pink or magenta to rarely white or red, numerous, 6-8mm across; sepals lanceolate; upper petals similar but smaller, erect; labellum flat, with 3 blunt lobes, spur filiform, curved downwards, usually longer than the ovary; ovary cylindrical, twisted, stalkless.

Habitat: Sand dunes, pastures and meadows, eskers, pavement and quarries.
Distribution: Found throughout the island.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No

Variation: The flower colour is variable. Albino forms are occasionally found. The lobes of the labellum can vary from 3 well-defined distinct lobes to those with indistinct lobes.