Anthriscus sylvestris

Scientific name: Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm.
Common name: Cow Parsley

Habit: A hairy perennial, to 1.2 m high.
Stems: Stout, hollow, grooved, hairy, erect.
Leaves: Leaves triangular, 3-pinnate with pointed segments; fern-like.
Flowers: White, hermaphrodite, in terminal umbels, with 8-12 rays; bracts absent, bracteoles broad, deflexed, often pinkish; petals 5, free; stamens 5; ovary inferior and 2-celled.
Fruits: A schizocarp, 6-8 mm, smooth, hairless.

Habitat: Hedges, roadsides, open woods and waste places.
Distribution: Locally frequent in the south and east, very rare in the west and north.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No