Scientific name: Arctium nemorosum Lej.
Common name: Burdock
Habit: Biennial.
Stems: Erect, hairy.
Leaves: Large, alternate, nearly hairless above, covered with white hairs beneath; undivided, heart-shaped, toothed, with pointed tip; leaf stalks of lower leaves hollow.
Flowers: Flower-heads globular, 30-35 mm across, almost stalkless, in a raceme or panicle; involucral bracts numerous and linear ending in stiff, hooked points; often with hairs shorter than or equal to the florets; florets all tubular, purple with white styles.
Fruits: An achene, in ovoid to hemispherical heads; involucral bracts erect.
Habitat: Roadsides, farmyards, sand dunes, pastures, cultivated fields, other open habitats.
Distribution: Evenly but thinly distributed over the whole region.
Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No