Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Scientific name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.
Common name: Bearberry

Habit: An erect or trailing, evergreen shrub.
Stems: Woody, branched, prostrate, young twigs hairy, to 1.5 m long.
Leaves: Alternate, very shortly stalked, 15 mm long, oval, obtuse, entire; dark green above, paler underneath, with a conspicuous network of fine veins.
Flowers: White and pink tinged, hermaphrodite, few, 4-6 mm across, in terminal umbels; calyx with 5 rounded lobes; corolla urn-shaped with 5 short lobes; ovary superior.
Fruits: Red, berry-like drupe, 10 mm across.

Habitat: Rocky ground and thin, peaty soil.
Distribution: Locally abundant but diminishing.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No