Arenaria serpyllifolia

Scientific name: Arenaria serpyllifolia L.
Common name: Thyme-leaved Sandwort

Habit: A bushy, slightly hairy annual, to 30 cm high.
Stems: Erect or spreading.
Leaves: Opposite, stalkless, entire, oval, 5 mm long.
Flowers: White, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, numerous, in cymes; sepals 5; petals 5, shorter than the sepals; stamens fewer than 10; styles 3; ovary superior.
Fruits: A capsule.

Habitat: Limestone rocks, walls, shingle and sand-dunes.
Distribution: Locally frequent.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No

The subspecies that occurs in the region is Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp. leptoclados (Rchb.) Nyman.