Atriplex portulacoides

Scientific name: Atriplex portulacoides L.
Common name: Sea-purslane

Habit: Shrub, very white and mealy, to 1 m high.
Stems: Much-branched, sprawling, woody stems and erect flowering branches.
Leaves: White-mealy, opposite, oblong to elliptic, entire, tapered to a short leaf-stalk.
Flowers: In terminal, nearly leafless panicles, unisexual; male with 5 sepals and stamens; female without sepals but with 2 bracteoles, 2.5-5 mm, united almost to the top, with a narrow base and broad tip divided into 3 large lobes, enlarging and enclosing the ovary and fruit; styles 2.
Fruits: A small nut.

Habitat: Rocky or stony shores.
Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No