Berula erecta

Scientific name: Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville
Common name: Lesser Water-parsnip

Habit: A hairless stoloniferous perennial, to 60 cm high.
Stems: Hollow, decumbent to erect.
Leaves: Leaves pinnate, with 5-10 pairs of leaflets, finely or coarsely toothed or lobed.
Flowers: White, hermaphrodite, in umbels opposite the leaves, with approximately 12 unequal rays; bracts and bracteoles present, sometimes lobed; petals 5, free; stamens 5; ovary inferior and 2-celled.
Fruits: A schizocarp, 1.3-2 mm, smooth, broader than long.

Habitat: Ditches, fens, marshes and streams.
Distribution: Local but abundant in places.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No