Buddleja davidii

Scientific name: Buddleja davidii Franch.
Common name: Butterfly-bush

Habit: A woody, deciduous shrub to 4 m high, with an upright multistemmed habit and arching branches.
Leaves: Opposite, 10-20 cm long, lanceolate to narrowly oval, pointed, toothed, white with soft hairs underneath.
Flowers: Purple or lilac with an orange centre, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, borne in long, dense, conical panicles on the current years wood; sepals 4, fused; petals 4, fused, corolla forming a long tube; stamens 4, attached to the corolla; ovary superior, style single.
Fruits: Ovoid, erect, often spiny capsule with numerous small seeds.
Twigs: Angled, hairless; first green with soft hairs, later light brown.
Bark: Brown, thin, peeling and splitting.

Habitat: Waste ground, riverbanks, lake-shores.
Distribution: Rare but increasing.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No