Campanula rotundifolia

Scientific name: Campanula rotundifolia L.
Common name: Harebell

Habit: Herbaceous biennial or perennial, to 50 cm high.
Stems: Erect or decumbent, very slender, hairless or sparsely hairy, not sharply 4-angled, with milky latex.
Leaves: Alternate, without stipules; basal leaves round or heart-shaped, lower stem leaves lanceolate and upper stem leaves linear.
Flowers: Blue, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, short-stalked, drooping, solitary or in a short raceme; calyx teeth very slender; corolla bell-shaped, 12-20 mm, of 5 fused petals, lobed less than half way to the base; stamens 5; ovary inferior.
Fruits: Many seeded capsule.

Habitat: Limestone pavement, rocky ground, lake-shores, sand-dunes, mountain cliffs and screes.
Distribution: Abundant in the Burren, occasional elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No