Cardamine pratensis

Scientific name: Cardamine pratensis L.
Common name: Cuckoo-flower, Lady's Smock

Habit: A hairless biennial, to 60 cm high.
Stems: Erect, little or not branched, with or without a short rhizome.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, very variable, pinnate with 3 to 21 untoothed or bluntly toothed leaflets; leaflets of basal leaves round or oval, of stem-leaves narrowly lanceolate.
Flowers: Mauve or almost white, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, 15-20 mm across, in racemes; sepals 4, free; petals 4, free; stamens 6; ovary superior.
Fruits: A silique, with seeds in a single row; fruit with a short or longish style.

Habitat: Marshes, lake-shores, streamsides and wet meadows.
Distribution: Very frequent to abundant throughout.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No