Cerastium diffusum

Scientific name: Cerastium diffusum Pers.
Common name: Sea Mouse-ear

Habit: Hairy and slightly sticky annual, to 30 cm high; stickyness due to gland-tipped hairs.
Stems: Trailing or semi-erect stems.
Leaves: Opposite, stalkless or short-stalked, entire, oblong to broadly oval.
Flowers: White, actinomorphic, in small cymes; sepals, petals, stamens and styles, 4 (occasionally 5); petals 4 mm long, about the same length as sepals, divided into two at the tip but not deeply lobed; ovary superior.
Fruits: An erect capsule.

Habitat: Sand-dunes, dry waste places, rocks and walls near the sea.
Distribution: Widespread and abundant in sand-dunes, occasional in other habitats.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No