Chrysosplenium oppositifolium

Scientific name: Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L.
Common name: Opposite-leaved Golden-saxifrage

Habit: A small and loosely tufted perennial, to 15 cm high.
Stems: Erect, spreading and leafy.
Leaves: Opposite, short-stalked, round and bluntly toothed, slightly hairy, 1.5 cm across.
Flowers: Greenish-yellow, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, 4 mm across, in small flattened cymes surrounded by a rosette of yellowish bracts; sepals 4, triangular, spreading, free; petals absent; stamens twice as many as sepals; ovary semi-inferior partly sunk in hypanthium, 2-celled, carpels 2.
Fruits: A capsule.

Habitat: Damp woods and scrub, ditches and mountain cliffs.Distribution: Frequent but local.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No