Cirsium dissectum

Scientific name: Cirsium dissectum (L.) Hill
Common name: Bog thistle

Habit: Perennial, 20-60 cm high.
Stems: Unbranched, not winged or prickly; with a shortly creeping rhizome.
Leaves: Mostly basal and only slightly pinnatifid with weak marginal prickles, green on the upperside, whitish with cottony hairs on the lowerside.
Flowers: Purple, flower-heads solitary, ovoid or cylindrical and rather cottony, 25-30 mm across; involucral bracts erect and scarcely prickly; florets all tubular.
Fruits: An achene, hairless, pappus of long, soft, feathery branched hairs.

Habitat: Marshes and damp grasslands.
Distribution: Frequent almost throughout.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No