Cotoneaster microphyllus

Scientific name: Cotoneaster microphyllus Wall.
ex Lindl.
Common name: Small-leaved Cotoneaster

Habit: An evergreen shrub, to 1 m high.
Stems: Trailing to semi-erect.
Leaves: Alternate, 6-8 mm long, undivided, untoothed, shiny and flat on upperside, hairy on lowerside.
Flowers: White, actinomorphic, 6 mm across, hermaphrodite, solitary or in compound cymes of up to 5 flowers; calyx of 5 sepals, fused and 5-toothed; petals 5, free, spreading; stamens numerous; with hypanthium.
Fruits: Berry-like, red, 5-8 mm, rounded, with 2 stones.
Twigs: Young twigs reddish.
Bark: Rough, grey.

Habitat: Banks, walls, rocks, heathy ground.Distribution: Occasional to frequent.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No