Crepis paludosa

Scientific name: Crepis paludosa (L.) Moench
Common name: Marsh Hawk's-beard

Habit: Perennial, 30-70 cm high.
Stems: Hairless except for inflorescence; sometimes reddish at base.
Leaves: Mostly basal, oval or lanceolate, with a few triangular teeth in the lower half, sometimes almost pinnatifid with the terminal lobe the largest; upper leaves clasping the stem with toothed or angled auricles.
Flowers: Yellow, flower-heads 15-20 mm, in a loose corymbose panicle; involucral bracts hairless on inner surface but with long hairs (1-2 mm) on outer surface; florets all ligulate.
Fruits: An achene, 5 mm, without a beak, pappus off-white, brittle, of unbranched hairs.

Habitat: Damp woods, streamsides, mountain cliffs, shady grassland.
Distribution: Frequent around Galway.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No