Crepis vesicaria

Scientific name: Crepis vesicaria L.
Common name: Beaked hawk's-beard

Habit: Biennial, 30-75 cm high.
Stems: Hairy.
Leaves: Basal leaves deeply pinnatifid, usually with the terminal lobe the largest; upper leaves few, small, often untoothed.
Flowers: Yellow, flower-heads 15-20 mm across in a loose, corymbose panicle; involucral bracts slightly hairy; florets all ligulate.
Fruits: An achene with slender beaks nearly as long as the achene, pappus white and silky, of unbranched hairs.

Habitat: Roadsides, waste ground, walls and rocks.
Distribution: Occasional and locally frequent on part of the limestone, very rare elsewhere.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No