Crocosmia crocosmiflora

Scientific name: Crocosmia x crocosmiflora (Lemoine) N.E. Br.
Common name: Montbretia

Habit: Stems simple, stoloniferous, up to (60)-100cm, swollen at the base to form a corm, often with persistent corms of previous years below it.
Leaves: Shorter than the stem, arising from its lower part, 4-8, 10-30 x 5-20mm; scape 30-90cm, slender, simple or with 1-2(-4) branches.
Flowers: Stalkless, in terminal, one-sided spikes or panicles; spike 10- to 20-flowered; perianth bright orange, funnel-shaped, slightly curved downwards, 2.5-4(-5)cm; lobes spreading, slightly unequal, about as long as the tube; stamens and style extending nearly to apex of perianth; anthers yellow.

Habitat: Woods, river-banks and roadside verges.
Distribution: Locally abundant in the South and West, occasional elsewhere, mainly on acid soils.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No