Daboecia cantabrica

Scientific name: Daboecia cantabrica (Huds.) K. Koch.
Common name: St. Dabeoc's Heath

Habit: An evergreen shrub, to 50 cm high.
Stems: Stems glandular-hairy, woody on their lower parts, weak, often straggling through other shrubs.
Leaves: Alternate, oval, 8-10 mm long, entire, dark green above, pale underneath.
Flowers: Pinkish purple flowers in loose terminal racemes 8-14 mm across; sepals 4, triangular and glandular-hairy; tubular corolla urn-shaped and shortly lobed; stamens 8; ovary superior.
Fruits: A capsule.

Habitat: Heaths, rough grazing areas, grass-banks and thickets, rarely on cliffs or rocky outcrops.
Distribution: Frequent to abundant in Galway, not known in the Burren.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: Yes