Dactylorhiza incarnata

Scientific name: Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) SoĆ³
Common name: Early-marsh orchid

Habit: Plant with divided tapering underground tubers. Stems hollow, 15-30cm high.
Leaves: 4-8 leaves present near the base, yellowish-green, usually unspotted, 5-9 times as long as wide, linear-lanceolate, broadest near the base, longest leaves exceeding tip of inflorescence, narrowly hooded at apex.
Flowers: Inflorescence dense, initially ovoid, then near cylindrical, with up to 70 small flowers present, flowers pale to dark pink, occasionally lilac; sepals marked with dots and thin loops; 2 lateral sepals spreading, erect or bent down; petals forming a hood with the dorsal sepal; labellum larger, obscurely lobed or lobed less than half way to base, more or less rhombic, the sides usually strongly reflexed; spur robust, conical, pinkish-white, slightly curved, shorter than ovary; ovary cylindrical, twisted, stalkless

Habitat: Dune slacks and marshes, fens and lakeshores.
Distribution: Scattered throughout the island.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No

Variation: Flower colour varies from pink to pale pink.