Dactylorhiza majalis occidentalis

Scientific name: Dactylorhiza majalis subsp. occidentalis (Pugsley) P.D. Sell
Common name: Western marsh-orchid

Habit: Thickset. Stem 10-40cm high.
Leaves: 6-8 cauline leaves, grouped at base of stem, spotted in various ways on upper side, near erect, curving downwards, lanceolate, keeled, uppermost 1-3 leaves bract-like.
Flowers: Inflorescence dense, ovoid to cylindrical; flowers numerous, crimson-violet; labellum near entire to clearly 3-lobed, obcordate, marked with distinct dark violet patterns, often muddled, formed by dots and pale loops, middle lobe reduced; spur almost cylindrical, straight.

Note: This species is very similar to subsp. brevifolia. subsp. occidentalis has paler flowers and a larger labellum.

Habitat: Dune slacks, pastures and meadows and marshes, fens and lakeshores.
Distribution: Widespread in the West of Ireland.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No

Variation: Flower size and colour are variable, as well as the degree of markings on the leaves.