Epilobium parviflorum

Scientific name: Epilobium parviflorum Schreb.
Common name: Hoary Willowherb

Habit: A softly-hairy perennial, to 90 cm high.
Stems: Erect, branched, with long and thin stolons often underground.
Leaves: Opposite but some alternate, undivided, without stipules, oblong-lanceolate, slightly toothed, hairy.
Flowers: Pale pink, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, 8-10 mm across in loose terminal racemes; calyx 4-lobed; petals 4, often notched; stamens 8; stigma 4-lobed, ovary inferior, very long and narrow.
Fruits: A 4-celled linear capsule, seeds small, each with a tuft of cotton-like hairs.

Habitat: Marshes, drains, damp roadsides.Distribution: Frequent to the limestone, local elsewhere, mainly near the sea.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No