Erigeron acer

Scientific name: Erigeron acer L.
Common name: Blue fleabane

Habit: Annual or biennial, 10-35 cm high.
Stems: Hairy, slender and upright, often red or purple.
Leaves: Basal leaves stalked, unlobed, oblong-lanceolate and withering early; stem leaves small and stalkless.
Flowers: Flower-heads 12 mm across in a small loose panicle; involucral bracts numerous, narrow, pointed and hairy; outer florets purple, usually 2 rows, ligulate, slender and nearly erect; inner florets tubular and yellow.
Fruits: An achene, pappus of long, reddish unbranched hairs.

Habitat: Dry and calcareous soils.
Distribution: Very rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: Yes