Erinus alpinus

Scientific name: Erinus alpinus L.
Common name: Fairy Foxglove

Habit: A small tufted perennial, to 20 cm high.
Stems: Spreading or semi-erect.
Leaves: Alternate, 10-25 mm long, without stipules, variably hairy, undivided, toothed, lower ones stalked.
Flowers: Purple, rarely white, nearly actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, 6 mm across, in short terminal racemes; calyx of 5 sepals fused, deeply 5-lobed; corolla of 5 petals fused into a slender tube, 5 spreading lobes, sometimes 2-lipped; stamens 4, borne on corolla tube and concealed within it; ovary superior, 2-celled, style 1.
Fruits: A capsule.

Habitat: Limestone walls and vertical rocks.Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No