Erodium cicutarium

Scientific name: Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hér.
Common name: Common Stork's-bill

Habit: A hairy and sometimes sticky annual, to 50 cm high.
Stems: Semi-erect or spreading.
Leaves: Opposite, with stipules, 2-pinnate; leaflets 1-2 cm long, deeply lobed almost to the midrib, lobes further lobed.
Flowers: Pinkish purple, actinomorphic, 8-12 mm across, in cymes of 3-6 on long hairy flowering stalks; sepals 5, hairy, free; petals 5, free, often with dark spots; stamens 5; ovary superior.
Fruits: A dry, hairy, schizocarp consisting of 5, 1-seeded portions, first united but later peeling away separately from the central axis, each with a long, persistent and spirally twisted style.

Habitat: Sandy and rarely gravelly places by the sea.Distribution: Local.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No