Erysimum cheiranthoides

Scientific name: Erysimum cheiranthoides L.
Common name: Treacle-mustard

Habit: A stiff, erect, annual, to 50 cm high, covered with minute, white hairs.
Stems: Erect, usually branched.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, green, lanceolate, entire to shallowly toothed.
Flowers: Yellow, actinomorphic, 4-5 mm across, in racemes; sepals 4, free; petals 4, free, 3-6 mm long; ovary superior.
Fruits: A silique, 1-3 cm long, sparsely hairy, spreading and curved upwards, 4-angled, slender with short style.

Habitat: Cultivated fields and roadsides.
Distribution: Rare.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No