Euphorbia helioscopia

Scientific name: Euphorbia helioscopia L.
Common name: Sun Spurge

Habit: A hairless annual, to 50 cm high.
Stems: Erect, stout, unbranched stem, sometimes branched from the base, with white latex.
Leaves: Unlobed, obovate, tapered to the base, upper part of leaf finely toothed; lowest leaves alternate; those in inflorescence, opposite or whorled.
Flowers: Green, in terminal umbels with 5 main branches; the inflorescence comprises 1 female flower (a 3-celled ovary and 3 styles) surrounded by few male flowers (with a single stamen) and is surrounded by a ring of minute, scale-like bracts and thickened, small, round yellowish glands; bracts, which are similar to the leaves but broader, subtend and occur throughout this structure.
Fruits: A capsule, smooth and shining; seeds brown and pitted.

Habitat: Cultivated or disturbed ground.
Distribution: Frequent on limestone, rare elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No