Fuchsia magellanica

Scientific name: Fuchsia magellanica Lam.
Common name: Fuchsia

Habit: A bushy, deciduous, spreading shrub, to 1.5 m high.
Leaves: Opposite, without stipules, stalked, undivided, oval, toothed.
Flowers: Bright red and purple, axillary, drooping, 3-4 cm across; sepals 4, bright red; petals 4, deep purple, shorter than calyx lobes; stamens 8, very long; ovary inferior, very long and narrow.
Fruits: A cylindrical berry, 15-20 mm, fleshy and black.
Bark: Yellowish.

Habitat: Hedges, gardens of ruined cottages, rarely also naturalised in scrub or by streams or on rocky ground.Distribution: Occasional.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No