Fumaria bastardii

Scientific name: Fumaria bastardii Boreau
Common name: Tall Ramping-fumitory

Habit: A hairless annual, with watery sap.
Stems: Much-branched, thin, scrambling.
Leaves: Spirally arranged, without stipules, 2-4-pinnate.
Flowers: Pinkish purple, tipped with dark red, in groups of more than 15 flowers in racemes opposite the leaves; sepals 2, free, small, falling early, 2-3 mm long, much narrower than corolla; petals 4 fused, corolla 7-9 mm long, lower petal spoon-shaped; stamens 2; style 1, ovary 1-celled.
Fruits: A small, spherical, 1-seeded nut, longer than wide; fruiting pedicel erect; noticeably rough when dry.

Habitat: Cultivated ground, waste places.Distribution: Frequent on limestone, occasional elsewhere.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No