Gymnadenia conopsea

Scientific name: Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Brown
Common name: Fragrant Orchid

Habit: Plant with several divided tapering underground tubers, flattened, digitate for half their length; stem leafy, slender, 15-45cm high.
Leaves: Long and narrow, rather erect, several, decreasing in size up stem; lower leaves close together and clasping; upper leaves cauline and bract-like; linear-lanceolate; the lowest c. 6-15cm long.
Flowers: In a long, moderately lax, cylindrical spike; numerous, pinkish to reddish-purple, rarely white, sweetly scented, 8-12mm across; upper sepal and petals forming a hood; labellum broad, with 3 short lobes and a slender, pointed, slightly curved spur longer than the ovary, labellum turned downwards; ovary slender, stalkless, twisted and curved.

Habitat: Dune slacks, pastures and meadows, acid heaths, eskers, pavement and quarries, bogs, marshes, fens and lakeshores.
Distribution: More common in the north of the island but found throughout the island.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No

Variation: Very variable.

2 subspecies: Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. densiflora (Wahlenb.) Camus, Bergon & A. Camus and Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. borealis (Druce) F. Rose.