Hammarbya paludosa

Scientific name: Hammarbya paludosa (L.) O. Kuntze
Common name: Bog Orchid

Habit: Small plant; entirely greenish-yellow; with a slender stem 5-12cm high, stem hairless; growing from a vertical rhizome that has 2-3 pseudobulbs.
Leaves: With 2-5 small concave, oval leaves, basal or nearly so, elliptic, with marginal fringe of tiny bulbils, 0.5-2cm long.
Flowers: 20-35 tiny green flowers present; in a rather dense, spike-like raceme; yellowish-green, 4mm across; each flower is inverted, so that the labellum, which is flanked by the paired sepals, is uppermost, and the unpaired sepal lowest; spur absent; ovary short, c. 3mm long.

Habitat: Mountains and bogs.
Distribution: Very rare.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: Yes