Honckenya peploides

Scientific name: Honckenya peploides (L.) Ehrh.
Common name: Sea Sandwort

Habit: A semi-erect perennial, to 25 cm high.
Stems: Short, erect stems borne from long, creeping stolons.
Leaves: Opposite, fleshy, thick, entire, oval, pointed, 12 mm long.
Flowers: Greenish white, actinomorphic, 7-10 mm across, in cymes, some flowers hermaphrodite, most unisexual; sepals 5; petals 5; stamens 10; styles 3; ovary superior; petals and sepals equal length in male flowers, much shorter in female flowers.
Fruits: A globose capsule, seeds few, large, brownish.

Habitat: Sand-dunes; sandy, stony or rocky shores.
Distribution: Frequent in the west, rare in Galway Bay.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No