Humulus lupulus

Scientific name: Humulus lupulus L.
Common name: Hop

Habit: A scrambling perennial climber, to 8 m high.
Stems: Erect, hispid, almost prickly.
Leaves: Opposite, palmately lobed about 3/4 to the base, with 3-4 oval or triangular lobes.
Flowers: Green; male flowers in loose, spreading axillary panicles, 6 mm across; female flowers in a small, dense, drooping, cone-like heads which consist of numerous, overlapping, oval bracts with 2 stalkless flowers in their axils each with 2 purple styles.
Fruits: An achene subtended by a persistent bracts, in cone-like groups, 3-5 cm.

Habitat: Hedges and scrub.
Distribution: Rare

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No