Hydrocharis morsus-ranae

Scientific name: Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L.
Common name: Frogbit

Habit: Aquatic perennial with submerged or floating leaves, producing tufts of roots, leaves and flowers at the nodes.
Leaves: All basal, entire, floating, petiolate, round, base deeply cordate.
Flowers: Flowers 20-30mm across, white with a yellow eye; petals much longer and wider than the sepals, c. 10mm, broadly obovate; unisexual; female flowers solitary; styles 6, each with a forked stigma, free; ovary long, exserted from the spathe; male flowers 2-3 on a peduncle; stamens 9-12, some without anthers.
Fruits: Rarely forming.

Habitat: Ditches, bogholes, marshes, slow-streams and canals.
Distribution: Occasional in the East and Centre, very rare elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No