Juncus bulbosus

Scientific name: Juncus bulbosus L.
Common name: Bulbous Rush

Habit: Perennial. Often more or less aquatic. Extremely variable in habit; stems erect to procumbent or floating, often corm-like at base, to 30cm, often rooting at nodes.
Leaves: Leaves various, grass-like to rush-like, glabrous, linear and entire, similar to the stems, except a few of the lowest which are reduced to membranous sheaths, slender, usually channelled, often with inconspicuous internal partitions, but not appearing jointed, mostly more or less basal, terete and slightly flattened to furrowed dorsally.
Flowers: Flowers hermaphrodite, regular, in compact clusters, arranged in a diffuse, terminal cyme; perianth inconspicuous, membranous, whitish or brownish, consisting of 6 free segments in two whorls of 3, perianth-segments acute, equalling or shorter than the capsule; ovary 1-3-celled, with many ovules, style 0 or 1, stigmas 3, linear; stamens 3-6, 1/2-2/3 as long as perianth; anthers 0.3-1mm, 1/3 as long as the filaments.
Fruits: A capsule with 3 or numerous seeds, 2.2-3.5mm, equalling or exceeding perianth, three-angled, obtuse to truncate at apex, unilocular; seeds 0.5-0.6mm, turbinate, reticulate.

Habitat: Bogs, pools, ditches and lake-margins, usually on peaty soils.
Distribution: Frequent to abundant.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No