Juncus planifolius

Scientific name: Juncus planifolius R. Br.
Common name: Broad-leaved Rush

Habit: Perennial, growing in dense tufts, often flowering in the first year; stems slender, erect, 20-45cm.
Leaves: Leaves various, grass-like to rush-like, glabrous, with usually c. 10 basal leaves, 3-7mm wide, shorter than the stem, flat, light green.
Flowers: Flowers hermaphrodite, regular, inflorescence of (1-)4-12(-50) dense, globular heads, each head usually 8- to 10- flowered; perianth-segments shorter than the capsule, the outer acute, the inner obtuse, membranous, whitish or brownish, consisting of 6 free segments in two whorls of 3; ovary 1-3-celled, with many ovules, style 0 or 1, stigmas 3, linear; stamens 3, almost as long as the perianth, anthers 1/3 as long as the filaments.
Fruits: A capsule with 3 or numerous seeds, exceeding the perianth, three-angled to obovoid, dark brown; seeds 0.35-0.4mm, broadly ellipsoid, without appendages.

Habitat: Streamsides, ditches and wet bogs.
Distribution: Locally frequent in a restricted region of South Connemara.

Native status: Not native
Of conservation interest: No