Lemna minor

Scientific name: Lemna minor L.
Common name: Duckweed

Habit: Minute, floating or submerged perennials, consisting of a green frond not differentiated into stem and leaves, and one or more roots; reproduction mainly by budding.
Fronds: Fronds with (0-)1 root, with 1-3 veins, floating on or below water surface, thin but moderately opaque, elliptical to narrowly ovate or obovate, rounded at apex, entire, more or less flat on both surfaces but slightly swollen on both surfaces, with larger air-spaces, 2-4mm long, the dorsal surface light green.
Roots: With a wingless sheath and an obtuse cap.
Flowers: Monoecious; rarely produced, occurring in small groups at the edge of the frond, without a perianth and consisting of 1 or 2 stamens, ovary with 1 ovule.

Habitat: In all types of still water.
Distribution: Very frequent.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No