Lemna trisulca

Scientific name: Lemna trisulca L.
Common name: Ivy-leaved duckweed

Habit: Minute, floating or submerged perennials, consisting of a green frond not differentiated into stem and leaves; reproduction mainly by budding.
Fronds: Fronds with 1 root, with 1-5(-7) veins, usually submerged, thin and semi-transparent, oblong-lanceolate, blunt at one end, serrulate at apex, 8-14mm long; usually cohering in groups, with the young thalli attached by their tail-like stalks to the parent frond from which they project at right-angles. Flowering fronds floating and smaller than the sterile ones.
Flowers: Monoecious; rarely produced, occurring in small groups at the edge of the frond; without a perianth; consisting of 1 or 2 stamens, ovary with 1 ovule.

Habitat: Still or slowly flowing water.
Distribution: Rare in the West, occasional elsewhere.

Native status: Native
Of conservation interest: No